With the Dawn of AI, Which Workers Are Likely to Be in Demand in the Future?

Q.ai — a Forbes Company
3 min readJun 5, 2023


Key takeaways

  • AI is set to trigger 300 million job losses over the next ten years, according to a Goldman Sachs report
  • Dell’s work report predicts 85% of the jobs in 2030 don’t exist yet
  • It’s likely healthcare, science, law and tradespeople jobs are safe from automation and will therefore be in demand

AI is set to become a significant disruptive force in the world of work, but by automating parts of a job or cutting roles altogether, it’s got a lot of people concerned about their futures. We’ve compiled a quick review of AI’s potential impact on the workforce and which careers could be safe in the coming AI automation revolution.

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AI’s impact on jobs

Several studies have now predicted AI’s impact on the current workforce. Goldman Sachs’ report found up to two-thirds of existing roles could see part of their workload automated, while 300 million jobs could be lost altogether. At the same time, AI would add $7 trillion to the global economy.

Microsoft wanted to put a more positive spin on things with its latest future of work survey, which positioned AI as a helper in a world of work where employees have too many meetings and admin to deal with. (Microsoft has a vested interest, given it’s now unveiled its Copilot AI suite of products.)

With this in mind, which jobs are set to be in demand due to AI automation?

The jobs that could be in demand

It’s hard to tell exactly what might be a great job by the time 2033 arrives, as Dell Technologies predicts that 85% of the jobs in 2030 don’t even exist today. It’s likely a lot of those will be AI-focused: whether it’s helping to create language models, checking algorithms for bias or helping to train AIs, we can expect many new roles to pop up around the exploding industry.

The healthcare industry will also see nurses and doctors continue to be in demand, especially as AI helps medical researchers to discover new breakthroughs in treating diseases. In a related strand, scientific research will see AI as a copilot rather than eliminating roles entirely. And the legal field might see low-level paralegal jobs under threat, but a skilled lawyer needs to craft a creative argument — something AI can’t do in its current capacity.

Then there are the non-techy trade roles that AI can’t touch: the plumbers, electricians and builders of the world, which require physical skills and knowledge, are well-insulated from AI automation (until we develop the AI robots, that is). If the US government wants to deal with the housing shortage in any capacity, we could see a boom in tradespeople jobs in the next decade.

The bottom line

There’s no telling which way AI will develop and how quickly the pace will be. While many people will be concerned about their jobs disappearing to AI, the primary thing workers today can do is start upskilling themselves ahead of potential automation in the future. Besides, AI can be used to open up new income streams like investing — so it’s a tool you can use to your advantage.

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Q.ai — a Forbes Company

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